Comments on: Q5: Kerri Twelve 20-somethings chronicle their lives for WBUR. Fri, 07 Dec 2012 19:12:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kerri Axelrod Fri, 07 Dec 2012 19:12:00 +0000 Thanks, Jim! Things are definitely looking up for me. Feel more and more at home in Boston everyday.

By: Jim Wed, 28 Nov 2012 22:18:00 +0000 Hello:
I also moved to a new city (Seattle) when I was about your age. Didn’t know anyone, but through my interests I was able to put together new friends in different circles within about a year. Friends from work, friends from my interests in the outdoors, etc. Maybe you like bicycling or whatever. I’m sure you’ve heard of meetup groups. You’re an attractive girl, you’ll figure it out. Life is not always going to be as bleak as I gather from your article. Think of putting your new social life together as an adventure. Good luck!

By: Kerri Axelrod Fri, 26 Oct 2012 14:38:00 +0000 Thanks for the support, Jessi! You’re definitely right on. Some of what I am going through are normal life transitions but I guess when it happens to you though it just feels so much more earth shattering. This blog has indeed 100 percent helped me put my life into perspective and a lot if it has to do with readers like you sharing their own stories and leaving words of encouragement. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts. -K

By: Jessi Fri, 26 Oct 2012 11:10:00 +0000 I totally know what you mean. I just moved to New England, my network of friends live in LA or San Francisco (where I went to school). I keep in regular touch with them. I had a remote job, and then a temp job that I had to quit when my husband got sick, so I don’t exactly have my own friends here. I hope you stay in touch with your friends in DC.

I found the reverse happened to me when I moved in with my husband before we got married. Getting used to have to answer to someone at home, rather than just seeing him whenever. It just took some getting used to, but I enjoy being home and seeing him all the time. Some people prefer to be single or not have super serious relationships because they’re just super independent. After a while, you might find that’s what you want (or not). Exploring is never a bad thing.

I hope you don’t feel like that “exposure” to the world is bad. It can be good too. While your friends are getting married, you are working on starting a new business and putting your best foot forward. Everyone moves at different paces, but I know it’s hard not to compare peers. Sometimes I feel like I’m not “using” my degree properly (or at all), but I know that there’s something for me at the end of this road, and I want to find out what it is. I’ve got some people in my family who are just going to college for the first time and they’re approaching their 50s and into their 60s. Talk about a long path!

Anyways, I guess my long rambley point is that I understand, and doing this blog thing has certainly given you new members of your support team and hopefully some new friends. :)
