Thursday Morning: Cape Cod Camp In Controversy

Published April 7, 2011

The story of a Cape Cod summer camp embroiled in sexual assault allegations continues to deepen. A camp employee apparently committed suicide yesterday on camp grounds. His mother said she suspected years ago that her son was a pedophile and alerted camp officials.

Camp Good News in Sandwich first came under scrutiny in February when Sen. Scott Brown released a book saying he was abused at a christian summer camp on the Cape.

After meetings on Beacon Hill yesterday, Gov. Deval Patrick and state lawmakers are asking the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to delay re-licensing the Pilgrim nuclear power plant in Plymouth as they try to make sure the state is prepared for a nuclear disaster like the one unfolding in Japan.

Construction at the Government Center T stop could close the commuting hub for three years. Starting in November 2012, the more than 21,000 commuters that use the stop each day may need to alter their commutes thanks to an effort to complete planned renovations on time and under budget.

Colleagues, friends and family members gathered yesterday to remember Rev. Peter Gomes, the longtime Harvard Divinity School professor. Gomes, the beloved head of the school’s Memorial Church, was a black, openly gay, Republican theologian. Judging by the line to get in to his memorial service, he will be missed.

Ever wondered whose hands are cradling the iPod in the latest Apple ad? It could be “one-half of what is known as the hottest couple in hand modeling,” according to the Globe. Please, stifle your chuckles and clamp down your Zoolander references, because they’re so hot right now.

What we’re following: We’ll have a reporter in Sandwich following the Camp Good News story and reporters at the State House covering pension plan discussions.