

Former CIA man,
self-described "spear carrier" for empire,
and author of "Blowback: The Costs and Consequences
of American Empire." (Photo: JPRI.org) |
Chalmers Johnson
Today it seems to me the term of art is globalization,
which essentially means forcing the rest of the world
to develop economic structures modeled after those
of the United States. The U.S. treasury names the
director of the IMF or the World Bank. That is the
voting rules insure that for example the Netherlands
has larger votes than countries like India or China.
And the United States dominates these organizations.
They can't do anything with out the approval of the
United States
This was an attack on American foreign policy.
It was an example of the strategies of the weak
against the overwhelmingly powerful. Interview
with Chalmers Johnson, In These Times |
When Washington talks about "terrorism,"
"drug lords," "rogue states,"
"instability" and "arms dealers,"
it intentionally leaves out the context and
the causes. U.S.
military's role in Asia immoral and unnecessary,
Honolulu Advertiser |
The suicidal assassins of September 11, 2001,
did not "attack America," as our political
leaders and the news media like to maintain;
they attacked American foreign policy. Blowback,
The Nation |
The United States is today virtually
the only nation on earth that maintains large
contingents of its armed forces in other people's
countries. Time
To Bring the Troops Home The Nation |