Seance Rock For Your Headphones

Published July 16, 2010

Hi, Hubbubers. Arts reporter Andrea Shea is always talking about local music she likes. I told her to start blogging about it! Ghost Box Orchestra releases its debut CD this week, “The Only Light On.” Here’s Andrea’s take on the fledgling artist and a few free tracks to download and enjoy. –AP


The Ghost Box Orchestra (courtesy of the artist)

The Ghost Box Orchestra (courtesy of the artist)

Ghost Box Orchestra is inspired by the microphones that ghost hunters use to record spectral visitations. And then there’s a somewhat obscure audio device used to communicate with the dead called a “ghost box.” The Ghost Box Orchestra manages to channel a “from beyond” aesthetic through their playing and textured production.

The songs are layered, noisy but quiet, undulating, ethereal. Most importantly, though, they rock! They really take you for a ride. Especially if you experience them through headphones.

I’ll admit the group’s name attracted me immediately. I love all things otherworldly. Turns out the GBO does too. So we’ll likely get together for a radio story just in time for Halloween.

“We consider October to be our anniversary/birthday so we always commemorate it in some way,” Jeremy Lassetter wrote me via e-mail, suggesting we meet where they recorded the new CD: an abandoned Freemason’s Lodge-turned-studio in Chelsea.

“The Only Light On” is mostly instrumental and fully DIY. The band is self-releasing a limited number of hand-stamped copies — only 300. But of course you can buy and download songs on their website.

I’ve already envisioned listening to “The Lodge” while driving over the Brooklyn Bridge under a full moon. Or maybe blasting off to another galaxy! I hear Pink Floyd, Dick Dale, Sonic Youth, a little Built to Spill, Mogwai, even some Black Sabbath. What about you?