Alaskans Wouldn't Put Up With Scott Brown

Published August 26, 2010

Former Alask Gov. Sarah Palin criticized Sen. Scott Brown on Fox Business.

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin criticized Sen. Scott Brown on Fox. Brown is like, whatev. (Click for video.)

While Scott Brown stumps for moderates here in Mass., Sarah Palin accuses him of being a populist sissy instead of a “hardcore constitutional conservative.”

Speaking on Fox Business Network, Palin criticized Brown for siding with Democrats on financial reforms and the jobs bill.

“That’s Massachusetts, and perhaps they’re not going to look for such a hardcore constitutional conservative there, and they’re going to put up with Scott Brown and some of the antics there,” Palin said.

“But up here in Alaska and so many places across the U.S., where we have a pioneering, independent spirit, and we have an expectation that our representatives in D.C. will respect the will of the people and the intelligence of the people, well, up here, we wouldn’t stand up for that.”

In a statement, Brown’s spokeswoman kind of responds:

Senator Brown’s votes are based on what’s in the best interests of Massachusetts and he has made his priorities job creation, controlling spending and reducing the deficit. All Republicans can agree on that.

Todd Domke, WBUR’s Republican political analyst, calls it a clash of the celebrity titans.

“They were projecting onto him this idea of being a great down the line conservative. But that wasn’t his record as a state senator,” Domke said.

Domke says Palin’s vocabulary is, erm, “elastic.” He thinks she might be jealous that Brown plans to back former Gov. Mitt Romney for president in 2012.

As New York Magazine points out (“Sarah Palin Wishes Scott Brown Were a Better Representative of Alaska, or Something”), Brown has voted with Republicans a measly 82 percent of the time.