Wednesday Roundup: The Mail, And Hubbub, Must Go Through

Published February 2, 2011

Chiseled above the entrance to the giant Post Office on 8th Avenue in New York City, the Postal Service’s unofficial motto reminds us that mail carriers are always there.

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of
their appointed rounds.

Come snow, come sleet, come rain, WBUR and are too.

As the second storm in two days continues to hammer Boston, snarl the morning commute, and generally make things unpleasant, children around the state are celebrating yet another snow day. As WBUR’s Steve Brown reports, with all of the snow days, many superintendents are thinking it’s Groundhog Day. Wait, it is Groundhog Day.

It isn’t just schoolchildren who are smiling today. With all of the snow and ice, cities and towns needs tons of road salt to keep their roads safe. It’s a good winter to be in the road salt business.

Continuing WBUR’s week-long series on the challenges of treating child mental heath patients, WBUR’s Monica Brady-Myerov took a look at how doctors screen for mental health problems.

It’s cold outside, but a new agreement ensures that a Cambridge power plant will send steam into Boston to help heat buildings. It will also cut the amount of harmful discharge of hot water into the Charles River.

If you aren’t reading Peter Gelzinis’ Boston Herald series on love in war zones, please do.

For the record, libraries in Boston are open today, trash pickup will still occur (somehow), and UniversalHub says ten community centers are open.

Stay safe.