2004 Overseas Press Club Award
British Jihad: Inside Out
The Lowell Thomas Award goes to WBUR-FM for
excellent investigative radio work in exploring why Britain has become a
recruiting center for global radical Islam, combined with a clear historic
context for Britain 's Muslim community. The WBUR team gained access to
radical Muslim preacher Omar Bakhri Mohammed and his followers, the father
of a Briton detained at Guantanamo Bay and other members of the British
Muslim community to explore why British citizens have been attracted to
violent Islam.

New York Festivals 2003
Ahmad's War: Inside Out
Michael Goldfarb arrived in the Kurdish autonomous region of Northern Iraq 48 hours before the war began. His assignment was to tell the story of war through the eyes of the Iraqi people.

RTNDA award for Ahmad's War : Inside Out 2003 The Radio-Television News Directors Association has been honoring outstanding achievements in electronic journalism with the Edward R. Murrow Awards since 1971. Murrow's pursuit of excellence in journalism embodies the spirit of the awards that carry his name. Murrow Award recipients demonstrate the spirit of excellence that Edward R. Murrow made a standard for the broadcast news profession.

2002 duPont-Columbia Award Winners
Surviving Torture: Inside Out
Silver Baton
The duPont Award is broadcast journalism's highest honor. In
Surviving Torture: Inside Out reporter Michael Goldfarb paints
a searing portrait of the psychological scars of torture in this
radio documentary about the Medical Foundation for the Care of
Victims of Torture in Britain. He profiles Helen Bamber, whose
lifelong mission to free the minds of torture victims has brought
more than 30,000 clients to her clinic from all over the world.
The subject matter is emotional enough to need no embellishment
beyond the skillful use of interviews and sound.
Michael Goldfarb, reporter; George Hicks, studio producer/technical
director; Anna Bensted, executive producer.

2002 Robert Kennedy Award for Journalism
for DNA, Anthony Brooks
The Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Awards honor outstanding
reporting of problems of the disadvantaged.
Domestic Radio Winner: "Testing DNA and the Death Penalty: Inside Out" by Anthony Brooks of
WBUR-FM is a complex and thoroughly sourced broadcast which examines the role of
advances in DNA testing in the criminal justice system. Anthony Brooks uses
particular cases of grave injustice in order to illuminate the public policies,
programs and attitudes that shape the death penalty debate. One judge commented,
"In light of a year in which we saw a moratorium on death penalty cases in Illinois,
this story reminds us of the errors that can be made."