It’s surprisingly difficult to build a website from scratch
Progress is being made in building the website. We picked a name & Joe commenced the domain purchasing process. Then we started putting together a few of the gazillion pieces of the website. Joe explored Ustream and Livestream, websites that can provide live video streaming. He is looking into User Interface Design Framework, a collection of Adobe Illustrator-made icons that are easy to drag into a website design & will help our site have a clean and consistent design.
I fleshed out more content for the site, finishing the FAQs and writing about the Quincy Court. I sorted what I imagine our content will be into categories and began using another one of Joe’s amazing software gadgets, Balsalmiq, to start sketching wireframe mockups. For the homepage, I put all of our firsthand bread-n-butter stuff at the top (video streaming, docket, twitter), and the blog, which I imagine will be more secondhand analysis, at the bottom.
We realize there are big questions about the website design that we still have to answer, simple but important things like what colors is the site going to be?!? To get help, we contacted Boston University’s in-house Creative Services team to get possible extra graphics design help. We’ll meet with them after Thanksgiving.
While occasionally it feels overwhelming to be wearing so many hats, we also like how limber a small crew can be.
And, we most mysteriously got the Twitter account we wanted but which was taken: orderinthecourt. So follow us there!