Full Mass. Supreme Judicial Court to Hear OpenCourt Archive Arguments
The question of whether the state can order OpenCourt to redact media footage collected in a public courtroom will be heard before the full state supreme court, a single justice of the highest court in Massachusetts ruled this morning.
![SJC Justice Margot Botsford Justice Margot Botsford](http://media.wbur.org/opencourt/2011/08/botsford-lg.jpg)
Above: SJC Justice Margot Botsford
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Justice Margot Botsford reserved ruling following a 45-minute long hearing this morning, opting to report the matter to the full court. A public hearing before the seven-member SJC is likely get an October date.
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Above: Click to listen to the entire audio recording of this morning’s SJC hearing.
We previously wrote on June 30 to detail the chronology of motions and core issues at hand, as well as a blog post on the PBS IdeaLab blog.
Additional media coverage of today’s events includes stories by Dan Kennedy, The Boston Globe, The Patriot Ledger, and WBUR.
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Above: Click to listen to Radio Boston’s interview with WBUR reporter David Boeri.
Update, Friday August 5: The Boston Globe’s story about the August 4 hearing.