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Testosterone is all the rage in America. A rub-in man-gel is coming this summer, and not since Viagra has the media worked itself into such a lather.

Andro Gel, as this new manhood-in-a-tube will be called, is meant for men who’re genuinely lacking in the big T. But it’s not hard to imagine lines of bikers, body builders, and pro-wrestlers pounding down doctors’ doors all across the nation.

Ravers, boomers, and plenty of others who’ve no pressing problems have sought out Pfizer’s little blue pill just for the fun of it – and Testosterone penetrates a whole lot deeper into the whole question of what it means to be a man than any little Pfizer riser. Andro Gel is the ultimate quick fix for men who want leaner bodies, super cut abs, more energy and a bigger libido.

And what if women take up the Andro Gel habit? Will everyone stop asking directions?
(Hosted by Christopher Lydon)


Jim Peterson, writer for Playboy and Michael S. Kimmel, sociologist and author of “The Gendered Society,” Dr. Richard Spark author of “Sexual Health for Men.”