Philosophy Series, Part 8: The Philosophy of Mind

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“I think, therefore I am” is the neat bit of logic with which Descartes rescued the Self from philosophical skepticism. If I think, he means, then there must be an I, a conscious self that’s thinking. Descartes went on to say “this I — the soul by which I am what I am — is entirely distinct from the body.”

That’s the classical statement of Cartesian Dualism, commonly known as the mind-body problem, and philosophers are still grappling with the question. Is there a ghost in the machine, a mind, a consciousness that is separate from the body, or is human thought no more than the sum of neurons and synapses doing their electro-chemical, mechanical work?

That’s also the question that excites the new field of Cognitive Science, which combines modern brain-sciences with philosophy. Scientists are opening up the mysterious world of human, and animal thought, and philosophers still argue the location of the True Self.
(Hosted by Christopher Lydon)


Patricia Churchland, Chair of Philosophy at the University of California, San Diego
Antonio Damasio, Neuroscientist and Head of Neurology at the University of Iowa College of Medicine.