First Mums

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Behind every modern American president is a strong mother, says longtime Washington journalist Bonnie Angelo. Sara Roosevelt, Martha Truman, Rose Kennedy, Ida Johnson, Nelle Reagan and Virginia Kelly all fit Bonnie Angelo’s profile of strong, pre-feminist American women. They were doting mothers and independent wives. They weren’t particularly feminine; most weren’t very well off. But they instilled in their sons the ambition and confidence for the top job.

Sigmund Freud said: “A man who has been the indisputable favorite of his mother keeps for life the feeling of a conqueror.” Barbara Bush and Pauline Gore meet Bonnie Angelo’s test too. Mrs. Bush toughened George W up with endless teasing and spelling drills. The famous story about Al Gore’s mother is that she’s saved a space on her wall in Tennessee for the portrait of her son as 43rd president of the United States. We’re talking about First Mums this hour on the Connection.
(Hosted by Christopher Lydon)


Bonnie Angelo