Charlie Trotter: Vegetables in Their Glory

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Charlie Trotter is the hottest chef in America right now. Partly due to the way he’s reinvented the art of cooking vegetables/vegetable cuisine. He says he wants a diner to come out of his restaurant in Chicago having had the best meal of his life and only realize after the fact that all he had was vegetables.

Charlie Trotter’s not a vegan, but he is in a perpetual vegetative frame of mind/state. His passionate is vegetables; he loves their textures, their colors, their shapes. He says he wants a diner to come out of his restaurant in Chicago having had the best meal of his life and only realize after the fact that all he had was vegetables. Charlie Trotter’s not a vegan, but he is in a perpetual vegetative frame of mind/state.

His passionate is vegetables; he loves their textures, their colors, their shapes. He scours the country for the farmer who grows the best white alba truffles, searches the world for the best importer of lotus root, and relies on his wife to harvest the best heirloom tomatoes for the restaurant. The results are meals like a collard green tortellini with radish sauce and smoked tofu or potato tuiles with parsley root, pickled golden beets, and opal basil.
(Hosted by Christopher Lydon)


Charlie Trotter, chef at Charlie Trotter in Chicago