Truth and Reconciliation

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The post-colonial post cold-war world has been a place where dictators rule and civil wars rage.

In many of those countries torture and disappearance are the norm. But when the dictator finally falls or the civil war is over, picking up the pieces of a shattered society is not easy. The first step is for people to tell each other the truth: the truth about crimes committed by the regime against its citizens, the truth about crimes committed by citizens against one another. More and more, nations that endure these hard times are starting the process of rebuilding with a truth commission.

Chile, Argentina, South Africa and now Yugoslavia are some of the countries to hold truth commissions. Some have been successful in starting a reconciliation process – others have simply swept the past under the rug.
(Hosted by Michael Goldfarb)


Priscilla Hayner, author of “Unspeakable Truths” and program director for the International Center for Transitional Justice

Yasmine Sooka, commissioner on the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission;

Paul Van Zyl, Columbia law professor and the former Executive Secretary of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission.