Re-evaluating the American Revolution

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In the beginning there was George. There was George, and John and Benjamin. Sam, Thomas, and Alexander. So begins America’s creation myth.

Our beloved founding fathers and framers; men who couldn’t tell a lie. But what about their wives, their daughters, their servants, and their slaves? What about the common people who filled the ranks of the Continental Army, or – god forbid – threw their support to the British. There were laborers, seamen, and farmers. There were even pacifists who left the Old World thinking they would never see a war again. A hundred thousand Native Americans had to decide.

Which side were they on? Do you know the whole story about the founding of our country? Do you want to? Mythmaking, myth breaking, and the American Revolution.
(Hosted by Alex Beam)


Ray Raphael, author of “A People’s History of the American Revolution;”

Paul Lussier, author of Last Refuge of Scoundrels;”

David hackett Fischer, Warren professor fo History at Brandeis University, storyteller and author of “Paul Rever’s Ride.”