Baseball Literature

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If you write it, they will come.

A month into the season, the daily pleasures of the summer game have returned to their proper place in the rythym of our lives, and the Mudville bookstore is busy stocking its shelves. Books on baseball are one of the rites of spring as novelists, biographers, historians, analysts and poets step up to their word proccesors and take their cuts at our souls, and our wallets. Why we care about the lives of ball players, real and imagined. Why some of the best American writers spend so much time at the ballpark, what the game and its scribes tell us about ourselves.

So get yourself a library card and a metaphorical bag of peanuts, some of the best in the business are warming up in the bullpen, for books on baseball, here.
(Hosted by Neal Conan)


Don Zimmer, baseball legend and author of “Zim: A Baseball Life”

Eliot Asinot, author of “Eight Men Out”

Elinor Naven, editor of “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend: Women Writers on Baseball”;

Timothy Wiles, Research Director at the Baseball Hall of Fame.