Diane Johnson

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Let’s begin with a snobbish Parisienne writer Estelle.

Give her a petite, sophisticated daughter named Anne-Sophie. Have Anne-Sophie uneasy about her sex life just weeks before she is set to marry Tim, l’ American fiancee. Make Tim infatuated with fellow-American former actress Clara Holly, who is married to recluse French filmmaker Serge, who is obsessed with Delia. Who is having an affair with Gabriel. Who is hiding from the FBI. But that’s later. Meanwhile, set it up so Clara’s falling for an older politician, who says he can’t respond because he fears infidelity at all costs

And at this rate, wouldn’t you? Anyway, throw in some stolen documents, an early morning arrest, a U.S. cult, property rights, your garden variety murder at a Paris flea market, some wit, some panache, some command of le stylo, and voila! you have writer Diane Johnson’s most recent novel, “Le Mariage.”
(Hosted by Jack Beatty)


Diane Johnson, Essayist, Social Critic, Biographer, Novelist.