Randall Kennedy

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In the pantheon of words as weapons, the nefarious “n word” is the linguistic kin of the atom bomb. No one much cares about its origins, the Latin word for “black,” because when it comes to that word, “nigger,” context trumps etymology. “Nigger as insult” was likely popularized by 19th century American slave owners. Ever since, its mere utterance unleashes a cascade of history, and hurt. Oppression, discrimination, and racism lurk there in two simple syllables. So does controversy, the latest of which has been stirred by Harvard Law professor Randall Kennedy, whose new book makes the case for defanging the word, by fearing it less. Not everyone thinks that’s such a good idea.


Randall Kennedy, Professor of Law at Harvard University and author of “Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word”

and Halford H. Fairchild, Professor of Psychology and Black Studies at Pitzer College.