A New Opposition in Israel

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Israeli army officers, in small but significant numbers, are signing a petition and taking a stand. They say the occupation of Palestinian land corrupts Israeli society. They say it has nothing to do with security, that it simply perpetuates humiliation and harassment of the Palestinian people. They say they will not cross the line and serve in the occupied territories. Just under 200 reservists are signed on so far, but it’s attracting the attention of Israel’s military and political leaders who say refusal to serve is sedition. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon says a disobedient soldier threatens Israel’s democracy, but his tough response is generating debate in a nation where soldiers are required to refuse orders they feel are criminal.


Peretz Kidron, with Yesh Gvul, a group that supports soldiers who refuse to serve

Yaron Ezrahi, writer, and political scientist at Hebrew University, and author of “Rubber Bullets: Power and Conscience in Modern Israel”

Efraim Inbar, political scientist at Bar-Ilan University and director of the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies

and Jacob Dellal, a spokesman for the IDF.