High-Speed Trains

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Whether it’s the “clickety-clickety whoosh” of the old steam train, or sitting down to a seven-course meal on the venerable City of New Orleans – Americans love trains. Unfortunately most train lovers are so caught up in the rail-side penny-flattening nostalgia of the steel rail, there’s not a lot of thought given to rail travel as it can be. Bullet trains that rip along at over 200 miles per hour are popular in Asia and Europe. But, the sad story of Amtrak chugs along, frustrating travelers, politicians, and promoters of better rail service.
A new report says “break it up, sell it off, let the market rule.” Others say that would effectively de-rail passenger train travel in all but a couple of high traffic corridors.


Jonathan Richmond, transportation consultant, former fellow at Harvard University’s Taubman Center, and author of “The Private Provision of Public Transport”

Jim Motavalli, Editor of “E Magazine” and author of “Breaking Gridlock”

and Nancy Connery, member of the Amtrak Reform Council and an independent transportation consultant.