The Disunity of Left

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Once upon a time, a long time ago, America’s two left-leaning political weeklies, The Nation and The New Republic, considered a merger. But that was then and this is now.

Today, these two don’t agree about much. Specifically, the headline issue of Iraq. The progressive Nation has staked a solidly “anti” position, arguing that the administration’s case against Saddam doesn’t hold water and calling for organized opposition to U.S. military action. The New Republic is “pro” saying that Saddam is as bad as Bush says he is, and that military brass, bombs, and boots are what’s needed to stop him.

It’s a center-left smackdown. Political magazines in the game of dissent and support.


Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor of the Nation

Peter Beinart, editor of the New Republic.