The Kissinger Commission

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Henry Kissinger could have retired years ago, after one of the most impressive careers in modern day diplomacy. But he didn’t. He went on to run his private international consulting firm, relying on and benefiting from the same feature that characterized his statecraft. Call it discretion. Or call it secrecy.

Now the former Secretary of State is investigating 9/11. We will go, he says, where the facts lead us. Certainly very few men have Kissinger’s international vision. It’s also true that very few men carry with them accusations of involvement in a secret world, one of quietly sanctioned invasions and coups. Kissinger’s never said what he actually knows. Now he’s responsible for reporting back to Americans about 9/11. Once again into the world of shadows.


John Shattuck, CEO of the John F Kennedy Library Foundation

Winston Lord, former member of the NSC staff and Director of Policy Planning for the State Department under Kissinger, former Ambassador to China

Steve Push, spokesman for the group ‘Families of September 11′ and for the ‘Coalition for a 9/11 Independent Commission.’