Poet Paul Muldoon

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Paul Muldoon isn’t like other poets. He doesn’t fit well into categories: the Irish poet; the intellectual poet; or the metaphysical poet; though, most agree that he is certainly a poet’s poet.

He is a man whose ease with the language shows he can be clever, whimsical, sober, and inventive all at once. Muldoon’s most recent book of poetry, his ninth, reflects the two worlds he straddles. He is an Irishman living in New Jersey; though often his subjects, a loaf of bread, a flock of redknots, a gravestone, have an air of the universal.

One reviewer wrote of his latest collection: “Muldoon may be a poet in love with the possibilities of language; ‘Moy Sand and Gravel’ demonstrates that he is also a poet in love with the possibilities of life.” Paul Muldoon, and the possibilities of poetry.


Paul Muldoon