A New Day for Seoul and Washington

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It seems the more the Bush administration tries to focus on Iraq, the more other hot-spots demand attention. South Korea has a new leader. Mr. Roh emerged from a heated race as the surprise presidential winner in Seoul yesterday, beating out his more conservative opponent by less than three percentage points.

Roh’s platform includes a continuation of his country’s “sunshine policy” towards North Korea, even though that kind of active engagement with the North is now frowned upon by a Washington anxious about North Korea’s nuclear ambitions. Mr. Roh’s campaign also capitalized on rising anti-American sentiments in Seoul, views of a younger generation that sees the U.S., not as the liberator of the Korean War, but as the enemy.

South Korea, a new president, and new diplomatic challenges for the United States.


Don Oberdorfer, Journalist-in-Residence at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, former diplomatic correspondent for The Washington Post , and author of “The Two Koreas”

Victor Cha, Associate Professor of Government at Georgetown University, and author of The “U.S.-Korea-Japan Security Triangle.”