Mahmoud Abbas

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A moment of optimism in the Middle East, or not. After endless negotiations and massive pressure from the US, the EU and Israel, the Palestinians will have a Prime Minister, Mahmoud Abbas.

Known for his hard line approach towards Hamas, and respected in Israel, Abbas might be a bridge to peace. Officially he’ll be in charge of only internal affairs, but some say that might change. Others, more skeptical, claim that while Chairman Arafat finally gave into pressure to create this new position, he has no intention of sharing his power.

The Palestinian militants in Hamas insist that Abbas, like Arafat, will not be able to tell them what to do. Considering the appointment of Mahmoud Abbas, and the chances for a breakthrough in the Middle East.


James Bennet, Middle East correspondent, The New York Times

Amir Oren, senior military analyst, Haaretz, Ghassan al-Khatib, Palestinian Labor Minister

Ghassan al-Khatib, the Minister of Labor in the Palestinian cabinet.