Pledge Under Fire

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Since it was composed by a Baptist minister a century ago, the Pledge of Allegiance has been a morning ritual for millions of American school children. In the 50’s, Congress added “under God” as a public vaccination against the real, and perceived, threat of Communism. Since then, the Pledge, and its reference to God, have engendered special ire from those worried about the line between church and state.

Now the Supreme Court has taken up this matter. The question before the court is whether the phrase “under God” is an endorsement of state-sponsored religion, a true first amendment breach, or whether it is just a bit of ceremony and a harmless nod to America’s religious roots.


Dr. Charles Haynes, senior scholar with the Freedom Forum’s First Amendment Center

Dave Gordon, superintendent of the Elk Grove Unified School District

Jim Henderson, senior counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice.