Business in Iraq

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The country of Iraq has been transformed in many ways; Saddam Hussein has gone, coalition soldiers and American advisors control much of what happens here, but Iraq has also been transformed into one enormous duty free zone.

Televisions that cost $600 a year ago now sell for less than half that…the latest computer chips and digital cameras are packed into the windows of Baghdad shops. There is no tax. There are no restrictions on what comes in. Most of the shiny new Mercedes on the street have the shipping stickers still in the window and no license plates. They’re not required.

It is a fascinating moment to take the temperature of private enterprise in this country, not just from the perspective of the fabled Iraqi traders, but in their search for investors and international partners. Speculating in Iraq and on Iraq


Dennis Sokol, chairman and former CEO of the American hospital group

Dr. Salah Al-Hadithi and Raaid al-Hammami, Iraqi businesmen.