Stolen Goods

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Early in the last century, archaeologists from Iraq, Europe and America, digging in places like Ure Kish Napoor and Eradu, began exposing signs of civilization that riveted the world with the depth of Mesopotamian life.

Even under Saddam Hussein’s arch’s continued their work gathering here in this city one of the finest collections of history in this world. In a matter of days, last April, much of that work was stolen and burned.

Places that were meant to be protected as heritage sites, the Iraqi national museum and library were ransacked. Though some of the finest pieces have been returned, much remains in the hands of smugglers. We are digging for the latest in those stolen treasures.


Donny George, Director General of Iraq’s Museums

John Malcolm Russell, advisor to the Coalition Provisional Authority and Senior Deputy Advisor to Iraq’s Ministry of Culture

Lauren Sandler, a New York Based journalist, recently back from Iraq.