Nick Hornby's Songbook

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You are what you eat. Yeah, sure, that’s obvious, but there are other things you put inside yourself that define who you are. Pop songs, for example. Psychotherapists of the world, throw out your Rorschach tests. Have your patients make a list of their fave tunes. You’ll learn more about them.

Songs are little lessons in rhythm and rhyme that help us through love and break-up, life and death. They are non-addictive mood elevators that can turn a dark day bright. Well, sort of non-addictive. English author Nick Hornby claims to have listened to one song 1500 times. Hornby has made a nice career out of his song obsessions. Now he’s compiled a list of the tunes he can’t live without, and he wants to tell you why. A writer’s life defined in music.


Nick Hornby, author, “Songbook,” “How to Be Good,” “About a Boy” and “High Fidelity”.