The Bearman

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The population of black bears in New Jersey has exploded — from fewer than a hundred in 1970 to some 3,300 today. These bears are not as dangerous, really, as they are a nuisance. They rip their way into backyard trash bins and lumber perilously across highways.

For the first time in three decades, New Jersey officials are allowing a special hunting season aimed at both trimming the burgeoning bear population and satisfying hunters who’ve long anticipated the big kill. It is a point of fact that while America continues to push and shove its way into nature — nature is pushing back — sometimes in unexpected places, and ways. Ironically, it’s the humans who feel cornered. Where the wild things are…and what to do about them.


Bradley Campbell commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection

Benjamin Kilham, naturalist and author of “Among the Bears: Raising Orphan Cubs in the Wild”

Charles Siebert, writer and author of “Wickerby: An Urban Pastoral”