Our Cheating Culture

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Admit it. It’s nice to see the big players cut down to size. Seeing mega-millionaires like Fastow and Kozlowski take the stand warms the self-righteous souls of we ordinary people, because we’d never do what they did, we’d never lie or cheat like they did, would we?

A growing body of research suggests that in fact, we would, and do, on a regular basis. Doctors prescribe drugs that patients don’t need. Students lie about that advanced tutorial in ancient Greek on a college application. Ever padded an expense report? You get the idea. All deceptions big and small, some say, are evidence that the land of the free, and home of the brave, is more like the land of greed, home of the depraved.


David Callahan, author of “The Cheating Culture: Why More Americans Are Doing Wrong to Get Ahead.”