Doctors Across Borders

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Dateline: Gaza. The weekend news out of this war-torn part of the Middle East is characteristically tragic. Israeli armed forces raid refugee camps in the Gaza Strip in search of Palestinian militants.

It’s being called the deadliest such raid in more than a year. Earlier in the weekend, four Palestinian suicide bombers attack a single Israeli-controlled border crossing. The weekend’s death toll is, as always, too high, and it never stops there, because the fighting that scars bodies scars psyches, as well.

For doctors working in the region, it’s an all-too-familiar story. Two of them, an Israeli and a Palestinian, join us to discuss the work they do, and why, despite everything, they think peace still has a chance.


Dr. Zeev Wiener, family physician, psychiatrist and psychotherapist and a volunteer with Physicians for Human Rights-Israel

Dr. Jumana Odeh, pediatrician and founding member of Physicians for Human Rights-Palestine.