Operatic Drama

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Call it the opera version of extreme makeover. Tosca, Giaocomo Puccini’s enduring tale of love and murder first played in Rome in 1900, and has been re-invented more than a century later as Tosca: Desperate Love. The new pop interpretation comes complete with a slim soprano, synthesized sound, amplified voices and high drama that would make even a diva blush.

Some opera purists charge that it’s nothing more than a sexed-up, dumbed-down knock-off that would have Puccini rolling in his grave. But something funny happened on the way to the opera: throngs turned out for the production. And loved it. Opera purists are decrying it as the death of their beloved. An old art’s new incarnation.


Marc Scorco, President and CEO of Opera America

Campbell, General Director of the San Diego Opera

Anthony Tomasini,
Opera Critic for the New York Times.