Iraq: What's Next?

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The fight for Fallujah began today. U.S. soldiers backed by Iraqi forces are moving to take the city from insurgents. The advance began hours after Interim Prime Minister Allawi declared a state of emergency. Reporters say most civilians have fled the city, and that insurgents have fortified their positions. Military experts are saying that with only three months to go until Iraq is scheduled to hold its first democratic elections, this battle is critical. For the Americans and Iraqi forces, it’s a chance to prove that the insurgency can be contained. For the insurgents, it’s a chance to prove their strength, in a full-on challenge of those they regard as American invaders and occupiers.


Michael Vickers, Director of Strategic Studies at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments and former Special Forces Officer and CIA Operations Officer

Andrew Bacevich, Professor of International Relations at Boston University and author of “The New American Militarism”