Holocaust and Memory

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In April of 1994, Jacqueline Murekatete was 9 years old, living on a farm in Rwanda. She played with her Hutu neighbors. They came over to borrow cups of meal and milk. But in that month these same neighbors took Jacqueline’s parents and brothers and sisters down to the river and hacked them to death.

David Gewirtzman was 11 in 1942, when his family crawled into a pit under the pigsty on a farm in Poland. They lived there with rats and lice for almost two years, until Poland was liberated by the Russian army. Sixty years after soldiers liberated Auschwitz and the world swore, “Never Again” these survivors of two genocides, half a century apart, share their stories, and wonder with us — is memory enough?


Jacqueline Murekatete, survivor of Rwandan genocide, student at NYU

David Gewirtzman, retired pharmacist, survivor of Holocaust

Ruth Messinger, Executive Director of American Jewish World Service who recently visited the Sudan