Woman For Women

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Zainab Salbi grew up listening to war. As a teenager in Baghdad during the war with Iran, she watched the missiles come in, smelled the smoke and heard the late night screams of neighbors. Years later, while looking at pictures of Bosnian women who’d been raped in Serbian camps she was reminded of her own experience and knew she had to help.

Twelve years ago Salbi founded Women for Women International to support those who had lost everything to war and to connect them with others. Living at the bottom of so many societies, women pay a much higher price in war, as the guardians of family and home, yet they are often the ones who lose every shred of pride and dignity.

Salbi says women are the foundation of society and that if they’re not protected and helped, we lose it all. The free world, one woman at a time.


Zainab Salbi, President and CEO of Women for Women International

Linda Adams, Retired, Happy Grandmother and a Women For Women International sponsor.