The Bard Behind Bars

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This Saturday marks the 441st anniversary of William Shakespeare’s birth. His plays continue to grace stages around the world, from high schools to big city theaters. They have even found their way into some more unlikely places — prisons, for example. At the Luther Luckett Correctional Complex in Kentucky, a group of inmates spent a year preparing a production of “The Tempest.”

It is an experience captured in a documentary that follows the men as they choose roles which shed light on their personal history. They confront their own crimes while grappling with themes of forgiveness, revenge and redemption.

“As you from crime would pardoned be, let your indulgence set me free.” From the yard to the rehearsal room to the hole, Shakespeare Behind Bars.


Curt Tofteland, director of the Shakespeare Behind Bars program

Hank Rogerson, Director of the film “Shakespeare Behind Bars”