The Archiving Issue, Part II
WBUR has decided to extend our voluntary suspension of posting the project’s archives past the May 18th date we had originally set, pending a full meeting of OpenCourt’s Advisory Board.
At the Advisory Board meeting we will present the potential framework that the working group we convened came up with.
We will keep you updated on the status of the public archives.
Are these meeting open to the public?
I am interested in how some decisions are made, particularly the decision to turn off the camera for RO hearings.
It appears that this is a decision made by Justice Coven, who is known to have problems with restraining orders
I have been trying to contact you regarding this issue, but I have received little response.
As to the archives. I expect that you are aware that you have enough tape on at least one justice to have them censured, so having the archives open will help openness and transparency in the court.
Some issues have been raised about muddying the jury pool and they may be legitimate, however they do not affect the majority of what you are streaming. Restricting the archives appears to be a minor issue compared to having content out there that may lead to the censure of a justice.
I am concerned that the court is restricting access in an attempt to hide their shortcomings.