Summer Reading 2001

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All year long, you collected books, on weekend nights at bookshops and on recommendations from a friend.

As gifts, on impulse, as commiserations. Quietly the stacks grew on your desk, then your shelf, then on your credenza, your bedside table, across the floors, into the closets. The piles accumulated while you pined and waited for summer. And now it’s almost here. Summer. The three blissful months the gods created exclusively for reading. By the ocean, under trees, late into a summer night, with a book you can’t put down. Three months of summer, only three months, to read your stacks of first-time fiction and thick biographies.

To finish Proust or start on Tolstoy. To learn about that long-ago time or far-away place. To find a new favorite that you can recommend to friends. It’s our annual summer reading show.
(Hosted by Jacki Lyden)


Clint Cavanaugh, Brookline Booksmith in Brookline, Massachusetts

Jan Weissmiller, Prairie Lights Books in Iowa City, Iowa

and Christopher Farley, Powell’s Books in Portland, Oregon.