Teacher Shortage

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Sounds like its time to print up a new batch of those wartime posters with the fierce face and pointing finger of Uncle Sam, saying, this time: “I want you, to teach.”

More than 2 million teachers will be needed for America’s classrooms in the years ahead. This fall, 12-thousand will have to be found, somewhere, for New York City alone. Policy makers have warned us about the looming teacher shortage for years, but only recently have the rest of us started to realize that when Dick and Jane take an apple to school in September, there may be no one behind the desk to give it to.

The trouble is, who wants to teach in public school? Salaries are low, working conditions can be awful and many teachers say they’re still treated like glorified child care attendants rather than as professionals.
(Hosted by Dick Gordon)


David Haselkorn, President of the non-profit, Recruiting New Teachers

and Dr. Katherine Unger, Director of the Teachers College, Columbia University New Teacher Institute