New York Times Columnist Bob Herbert

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New York Times Columnist Bob Herbert says America is in serious trouble. For more than a decade, he has been following the struggles of ordinary Americans, often leaving his mid-town Manhattan vantage point, to tell their stories.

Herbert is sometimes called the moral conscience of the Times Op-ed page for mixing his role as editorial writer with his experience as an on the street reporter. He writes about low wage workers, victims of race crimes, and youngsters who can’t find work.

Herbert says he fears that the nation has grown indifferent to issues like social injustice — and the ideals of truth and freedom. But he continues to use his 700-word space to give a voice to those who are overlooked but who still want their shot at the American Dream.


Bob Herbert, Op-Ed Columnist for The New York Times, and author of “Promises Betrayed: Waking Up from the American Dream.”