Back in the USSR

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Russian American relations seem to be entering a whole new phase, yet one that is oddly familiar. There was a long time when the two super-powers circled each other warily, criticizing each other’s policies. Then the wall came down, and Russians began their shift to democratic rule. It was messy, controversial and bruising to Russian pride.

Under President Vladimir Putin, Russians have seen a return to old days of an autocratic Kremlin rule, with a clampdown on press freedom and ideas of democracy; all this at a time when most of the former Soviet states have continued on their path to democracy.

Into this growing split this week steps President Bush, with his calls to freedom, and his most direct criticism of Russia since he took office. Where will this lead…we look at the uncomfortable future of US Russian relations.


Susan Glasser, Staff Writer for the Washington Post and former Post Moscow Bureau Chief

Peter Baker, White House Correspondent for the Washington Post.;
Fred Weir, Russian Correspondent for the Christian Science Monitor;