
grades 3-5
Create a classroom Antarctica Newspaper
Brainstorm a list of possible article topics for an Antarctica newspaper. These might include such topics as research conducted in Antarctica, weather, people, places, wildlife, entertainment, travel, environmental issues, etc. Ask students to select a topic that interests them and write an article for the paper. Students could also choose to create a comic, crossword, Antarctica horoscope or a "Dear Abby" type column. Ask for volunteers to construct the newspaper. If possible incorporate photographs from the Web site into the newspaper.
Visit the Antarctic Sun website for ideas.
Write a Letter
Ask students to imagine that large deposits of petroleum and natural gas have just been discovered under the Ross Sea. The United States wants to drill for petroleum and natural gas. Have students write a letter to their congressional representative that states their opinion on this subject. Encourage students to include information from their study of Antarctica in their letters. A copy of the Antarctic Treary can be found at www.nsf.gov/od/opp/antarct/anttrty.htm