
As a scientist in Antarctica, you need quite a bit of equipment to get
your job done.
The average yearly temperature in coastal areas is 5 to 15 degrees
(Farenheit), and underwater, it can be as cold as 29 degrees. The researchers at Palmer Station study Adelie Penguins, Southern Giant Petrels, and Antarctic Krill. Each species requires a different dress code, and Dan Grossman will be bringing his own bit of gear to record and photograph the scientists. We'll have a breakdown of what you would need for any circumstance at Palmer Station.
Scuba Diving Attire
Kevin Peters, graduate research assistant, shows us what it takes to keep
warm and safe while scuba diving in the waters of Antarctica.
Boating Attire
Doug Fink, boating coordinator for Palmer Station, shows us what it takes
to keep warm and safe while boating in Antarctica.
Journalist Equipment
Find out about the equipment journalist Dan Grossman will need to keep warm, gather sound, take
photographs and file his reports.