 - Science for grades
The purpose of this activity is have students pick a scientist and follow his research.
Learning Objective: Students will be able to synthesize information from a variety of sources. Students will learn about the life of a scientist as well as Antarctic wildlife.
1. Read the Why Scientists Love Antarctica Web page on the Antarctic Connection Web site at www.antarcticconnection.com/antarctic/science/whyscience.shtml The Antarctic Connection Web site also provides information on other research projects taking place in Antarctica and information about wildlife.
2. Send your students to their "Antarctic Learning Logs" to create a page entitled "Adopt-a-Scientist." Ask the students to work in small groups to learn about the work of one of the scientists on the WBUR Antarctic journey. They may choose one of the following scientists:
3. Over the course of a month, have students adding information to their Learning Journals from Dan's reports and from other sources.
4. At the end of the journey, convene an "Antarctic Research Panel" that is designed to share information about the work of each group's scientist. Ask each group to report on the following:
- Research Goals
- Wildlife
- Problems
- Research Data
- What Has Been Learned