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Geological Timeline - Social Studies/Geography for grades 6-8

In this lesson students will create a geological timeline of Antarctica.

Learning Objective: Students will be able to apply knowledge about geological aspects of Antarctica by creating a pictorial timeline.

1. Involve students in a discussion about the geology of Antarctica by asking if they think Antarctica has, geologically speaking, changed much since the beginning of time.

2. Show students the Gondwanaland map on the National Science Foundation Web site at www.nsf.gov/od/opp/support/gondwana.htm Ask students to predict what kinds of fossils geologist might find beneath the ice in Antarctica based on the previous location of Antarctica as shown on this map.
Teacher Note: If your classroom has limited access to the internet, you may choose to print a copy of the map.

3. Have students construct a pictorial timeline of Antarctica. The timelines should start 200 Million years ago with Gondwanaland and end at the present day with humans. Display the timelines in the classroom.
Teacher Note: Students may find information to complete this activity on the following Web site: www.coolantarctica.com/%20fact%20file/History/history_of_the_land_geological-timeline_of_antarctica.htm

Learning Log Entry
Ask students to record information from the timeline in their Antarctica Learning Log.