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NameChristine Beckett
Works inLaw
Studied atSyracuse, Northeastern Law
Lives inJamaica Plain, MA
FromNorth Shore, MA
Current jobAssociate attorney, Jeffrey A. Cohen, Esq.
Jobs since graduationIntern, Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications and Cable; intern, National Association of Broadcasters; intern, Masferrer & Associates; intern and fellow, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press; waitress, Chili’s; substitute teacher, Triton Regional High School; copy editor, John Wiley & Sons
Living arrangementLiving with parents until September 1, then in an apartment with two roommates.
How a paycheck
is spent
After paying my rent and student loan payment, half my monthly paycheck is gone. Then I pay my car payment, car insurance, health insurance, and credit cards. That leaves me enough to buy groceries and gas for my car and not much else.
InterestsFollowing my favorite sports teams, going to trivia night with my friends, reading, watching TV, skiing in the winter, running 5Ks
creative work
Details in the Fabric by Jason Mraz, featuring James Morrison. It’s an amazing song and has such a calming influence over me. The gist is that you can’t worry about every detail, you’ll go crazy, so just calm down and enjoy the ride; everything will be all right.

Have you moved back in with your parents since college?

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Have you taken a job requiring a lower skill level or less education than you have?

Checkbox Yes Checkbox No

Do you feel you are less far along in your career than you had imagined for this age?

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Do you feel you are less far along in most other aspects of your life than you imagined at this age (saving money, starting a family, buying a home, et cetera)?

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Have you experienced significant emotional distress as a result of your economic situation?

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Are you receiving financial support?

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Are you optimistic about your future?

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Responses from Christine