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NameNathan Brin
Works inUnemployed
Studied atLyndon State, New England Tech
Lives inWoonsocket, RI
FromWoonsocket, RI
Current jobUnemployed
Jobs since graduationCustomer support, APC; temp positions, Brown University, CVS Business Integration Center, ING, Victory Productions, Becker College
Living arrangementLiving with family
How a paycheck
is spent
After about $600 of it goes to student loans, the remainder goes to paying for the necessities — food, electricity, etc.
InterestsTechnology mostly, hacking, British culture, standup comedy, DIY
creative work
Papercut by Linkin Park
Personal motto"Honesty is the only policy you need."

Have you moved back in with your parents since college?

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Have you taken a job requiring a lower skill level or less education than you have?

Checkbox Yes Checkbox No

Do you feel you are less far along in your career than you had imagined for this age?

Checkbox Yes Checkbox No

Do you feel you are less far along in most other aspects of your life than you imagined at this age (saving money, starting a family, buying a home, et cetera)?

Checkbox Yes Checkbox No

Have you experienced significant emotional distress as a result of your economic situation?

Checkbox Yes Checkbox No

Are you receiving financial support?

Checkbox Yes Checkbox No

Are you optimistic about your future?

Checkbox Yes Checkbox No

Responses from Nathan