Twelve 20-somethings chronicle their lives for WBUR. Learn more.
Samantha Bilotta is 23 years old and voting for Mitt Romney. Keep reading…
Emilie Haertsch is 26 years old and voting for President Obama. Keep reading…
Terrence Hanscom was in his early twenties, stuck, and drifting through life. But having a child gave him the motivation to commit to something larger than himself. Keep reading…
“Entitled, hardly.”
John S. is an out-of-work lawyer who has taken a job at a cell-phone store. Keep reading…
Alicia S. is 28 years old and an economic refugee, living in the Middle East. Keep reading…
After years of dead-end jobs and without prospects, "Anne" turned to exotic dancing. She earns more money than ever before and has found a financial stability she had never known. But as her self-imposed deadline to quit dancing nears, she is struggling with what comes next. Keep reading…
The Generation Stuck voicemail line is now in service! Keep reading…
We posed that question in July and were inundated by responses. We received story after story of unmet expectations, compromised dreams, overwhelming student loans, and moves back home. From the dozens of stories, ten bloggers and two radio documentarians were chosen. Keep reading…