What We're Working On: Tuesday

Published June 8, 2010

  • Cardinal Sean O’Malley of Boston’s Catholic archdiocese is in the news again. O’Malley delivered a private message to the pope. What did it say? We’re trying to arrange an interview with the cardinal, but he is very hard to get.
  • Ted Siefer is talking to lawyers filing suit over a real estate notice in the New Bedford Standard-Times declaring that only people of “the Caucasian Race” can purchase the property.
  • Steve Brown is covering a state Senate hearing about the proposal to legalize gambling in Massachusetts.
  • Lisa Tobin, Bob Oakes’ producer, is scheduling an interview with a robotics guy at iRobot, the local company (famous for the Roomba) using robots to measure the quantity of oil spilling into the Gulf of Mexico. I’m working on a tech explainer. (Robots!!)
  • Adam Ragusea is reporting on the draft plan for zoning along the Greenway, which critics say does not allow for enough density to bring the park to life. WBUR will be doing a lot of reporting on this topic in the coming weeks.
  • Bianca Vazquez Toness is attending a discussion with U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz about “civil rights efforts” at the Depart of Justice, including the prosecution of hate crimes and a new “Civil Rights Initiative” in Massachusetts.
  • We’re sending intern Meghan Keane to the Scooper Bowl, where people eat ice cream to support the Jimmy Fund.
  • I’m working on an explainer on the origin and meaning of the word “jake,” a synonym for firefighter that you often see on the Herald’s front pages.